Born in an art family it became a way to express myself in anyway
possible. It started out through music and continues to, but i came to be
inspired by the same thing that i once turned away from. ART!
Through art i strive to show the good side of people. I paint portraits of
people that most look down on and paint them in a glorious peaceful
manner. Living in a city like San Francisco i have been exposed to
multiple lifestyles and ways of thought. To know that you know nothing
is a beautiful thing in itself. I am not trying to make people think a certain
way about my art instead, just to show another way/side. Paint has been
bringing people together for centuries, changing minds and perception,
sparking new mentalities and adopting foreign technique. What you see
on the wall is exactly what you see. I am intrigued with color, i feel like
there are never enough colors, so i use as many colors schemes as i can
and order them in an unorderly way. Society has made me a multitasker,
someone that is always looking 360 degrees. Someone that has heard
enough and wants to try for themself. Someone that is curious and
passionate, and wants to share good vibes. Painting is a great way to calm
down in a world that demands you to move. Some stay stagnet, some
keep up and others wish to GO. I am someone that wishes to go, to hear,
to see and use my senses. I am inspired by the weather which puts me in
many deja vu like mind states. And while everyone is out having fun and
I'm hearing the sounds of nightlife i am comforted by a music mix and the
intense focus of precision and conquest. The way old school adventurers
and native peoples set out into the world is the way i approach art. To
not stay too long in a comfort zone but to keep searching. I suppose my
inspiration and reason for painting will always change and rotate like the
planet we share. My choice of mediums at this point are mainly acrylics
and sometimes gouache, spraypaint or watercolors. The surfaces i like to
work on are canvas, wood panels, foam and whatever else i see that looks interesting.